Monday, April 16, 2012


So Friday night I was starving but had something on my mind and it would not go away ... usually I can brush things off and just get over it but I don't know what it was maybe the sunshine, maybe that it was Friday but I wanted beer and nachos. I wanted gluten free beer, called around and nowhere did they have what i was looking for. I had corona a few weeks back and felt ok so I figured it would be ok and had my plate of chicken nachos. Well let me know how that went - FAIL!!! I felt horrible after only half the beer and my plate of nachos; I almost felt hung-over and just not good at all, bloated, and just bleh. That right there my friends made me realise how much that cheat was not worth it and I am not ever doing that again. I always have to learn the hard way though always have been that way always will be I guess!

In other news I tweeted to Robb Wolf the author of the Paleo Solution and he tweeted me back and is following me ! How's that for motivation now I really do have to put 150% into this! Who knows maybe someday I’ll make it into one of his books :P wishful thinking !

Oh and I made Chocolate coconut chew Larabars ... these things are YUM!

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