Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bacon and eggs - breakfast of champions

I loooooove breakfast! If i could pick a favorite restaurant it would be based on it's eggs benedict. Or should i say it used to be what I picked. Now if i want eggs benedict i make my own and to be honest they beat any greasy spoon place ! :)

Paleo Eggs benedict

Holandaise sauce:
2 egg yolks
3 tbsp Water
1/4 C. Extra virgin Olive Oil  or  Butter (dairy free)
Juice of 1/2 lemon,
Sea Salt, to taste
  • In a small sauce pan, over low heat, whisk egg yolks and water until smooth and creamy. Add more water 1tbsp. at a time, if needed.
  • While whisking, stream in oil or melted butter.
  • Add salt and lemon juice, to taste.
  • If the sauce begins to separate, add more water and whisk.

 Poaching the eggs:
4 eggs
1tbsp vinegar
  • Heat a medium pot of water with  1 Tbsp. of vinegar (the acid will help the egg whites coagulate quickly, which in turn helps the egg keep its shape while cooking) in a wide, shallow pan until bubbles form along the bottom and sides of the pan, but don't break away or come to the surface
  • Crack eggs into individual ramekins or measuring cups. Pre-cracking the eggs allows you to remove any bits of shell, start again if a yolk breaks, and have more control when guiding the egg into the pan.
  • Hold the ramekin right at the liquid's surface and gently pour the egg into the liquid. Repeat with remaining eggs, up to four eggs per batch.
  • Takes about 4 minutes per egg make sure to remember the order you put them in the water as i like mine well done and if you take them out to quickly they might still be runny. That said if you do like your eggs runny take it out in 3 minutes instead.
  • Take the eggs out and put on paper towel to absord the water. Set a side.
Slice up some nitrate free ham or a few slices of bacon, and put 1 egg per slice, add some sauce garnish with whatever you want and voila ! Bonne appetit!

This weekend is my oldest daughter Livia's 5th birthday! Wow really? That's nuts my little girl is growing up and you know what? As much as I miss having her be my little baby I love seeing her grow up. She is so creative and loves to do crafts, puzzles and sing and dance. She's my little buddy I tell her every night that she is my best friend. And even though her little sister doesn't appreciate it Livia loves taking care of her and making sure she is ok when she hurts herself or is upset, she loves to play with her and show her new things.

With birthdays comes parties and with parties comes bad food but if you have been reading my blog you know that of course I’ll be making Paleo safe stuff ! Haven’t figure out what but definitely going to research stuff. Stay tuned!

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