Friday, April 27, 2012

Allergies vs. Cold

Not sure what's up but my head feels like it's going to explode, and my throat hurts. but it goes away and I feel light headed so usually that's allergies but I take allergy meds and it does nothing. ahh the joys of health!

When I feel like this I am so not motivated to go to the gym but I need to so I will.

Last night I made a recipe I found on this great site it was so yum ! What's great is I have leaftovers for lunch :) I served it with a side salad of avocados and cherry tomatoes with lime juice.

Caramelized Onion Frittata
  • 6 eggs, whisked
  • 1/2lb italian sausage
  • 2 yellow onions, sliced thin
  • salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1-2 tablespoon Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil (to grease your 8×8 glass baking dish)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. First cook your italian sausage in a large skillet over medium heat until cooked through. Be sure to use a wooden spoon to break up the sausage while it cooks.
  3. Place your italian sausage in your greased glass baking dish.
  4. While pan is still hot and over medium heat, add your sliced onions to the italian sausage grease.
  5. Cooking down for about 8-10 minutes, continuously stirring onions to help them from burning.
  6. While the onions are caramelizing, mix in your eggs with the italian sausage in your baking dish.
  7. Once your onions are caramelized, place the onions on top throughout the baking dish, covering all the eggs and italian sausage.
  8. Bake for 10-13 minutes of until your eggs are completely cooked through in the middle. Use the finger poke method to check!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

readers !

Wow I have one follower that makes me feel like a huge loser :P and it's my own bf :P common people show me you actually want to read this otherwise it's useless!!

I was watching tv one day and the Subway club sub commercial came on and got me wanting a club sandwich so I turned on my chef brain and came up with this...

Club Chicken

4 Chicken breasts
Cajun spices
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 Avocado
4 Slices of bacon
1 Tomato
Fresh Basil

Heat coconut oil in frying pan. Season chicken with the cajun spices and cook in pan. Meanwhile cook the bacon and drain oil and blot with paper towel. Cut up Avocado in slices and slice tomatoe and chop basil. Once chicken is cooked ( 165 degrees) serve on plate and top with bacon, avocado, tomato, and basil.  

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

the pump

I've been doing the Jamie Eason live fit workouts . In phase one I was doing them in order because it worked with the time I had to do the workouts but since Phase 2 her workouts are crazy long and I only get 1 hour. So I modified, I do super sets to speed up the process and I have to give up a few things including mixing cardio and weight training. I do 3 days of cardio and 2 days of weight training and on weekends when I don't have my girls I go to the gym and it's a whild card, I do what i feel like doing. I call those bonus days. Today I did a phase 3 workout and it gets crazier but I love it ! It's always good when you feel pumped and tight all over from lifting the heaviest you could lift!

I will take progress pics tonite. and more recipes are coming, you see,  I cook and just add things as i go ... i don't measure, then i actually have to sit and remember what I put in there. So it's a process!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I gave my fat clothes to my fat friends

That line is said in a commercial for Bowflex and I always thought that was super douchy for the guy's friends. I mean yeah you're in shape now but you were once one of your fat friends and they have feelings and you had and should still have them too. Or else people will say things like you were nicer when you were fat or you were different in a good way. Now your just a built ass. I think people that choose to get in shape get a bad rep sometimes. Not all people that love to train or are done with feeling sorry for themselves are doing it because they are conceded or just want to show off. A lot of people believe it or not just got up one day and decided enough is enough. We all have a moment where we just have to do IT and stick to it. I think my enough is enough moment was when I got separated and just felt sick all the time and lost weight the non healthy way and would probably gain it all back but for once I decided this was it ... My chance to do something and I did and still am over a year later. I just wish I could help more people feel the way I do because I know how it is to feel depressed and try yo yo diets and lose weight only to get a minor set back and let it all go again. It hard ... life is hard but if everyone could feel how good I feel and I could help them achieve that I would. I'm no where near being those before and after success stories with 6 pack abs but it's the goal and I will get there and maybe it's slow but slow is the good way to do it as it will stay off. I just feel that emotionally I have attacked whatever held me back and I'm happy I did.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Have my cake and eat it too...

I have a cake company on the side nothing big just something I decided to share with others. People often ask if I eat a lot of what I make and the answer is no. Yes I've had a piece at my kid's parties but no I don't sit there and eat non stop sweets. To be honest when I bake the smell makes me feel full it's almost like my brain thinks it's eating even though I'm not wish that could happen with cooking too!

I love baked goods but since I started the Paleo lifestyle I look at them as pain and bloating. I will never look at a muffin, cookie, cake the same way unless it's Paleo safe. I've made 3 cakes, 12 cupcakes and some Paleo muffins in one night and ouff I'm caked out!

I've been really good at curbing cravings. Paleo is really an amazing lifestyle I've embraced it and I'm still getting used to it but I have never felt so good.

Everyone should feel this way.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Bacon and eggs - breakfast of champions

I loooooove breakfast! If i could pick a favorite restaurant it would be based on it's eggs benedict. Or should i say it used to be what I picked. Now if i want eggs benedict i make my own and to be honest they beat any greasy spoon place ! :)

Paleo Eggs benedict

Holandaise sauce:
2 egg yolks
3 tbsp Water
1/4 C. Extra virgin Olive Oil  or  Butter (dairy free)
Juice of 1/2 lemon,
Sea Salt, to taste
  • In a small sauce pan, over low heat, whisk egg yolks and water until smooth and creamy. Add more water 1tbsp. at a time, if needed.
  • While whisking, stream in oil or melted butter.
  • Add salt and lemon juice, to taste.
  • If the sauce begins to separate, add more water and whisk.

 Poaching the eggs:
4 eggs
1tbsp vinegar
  • Heat a medium pot of water with  1 Tbsp. of vinegar (the acid will help the egg whites coagulate quickly, which in turn helps the egg keep its shape while cooking) in a wide, shallow pan until bubbles form along the bottom and sides of the pan, but don't break away or come to the surface
  • Crack eggs into individual ramekins or measuring cups. Pre-cracking the eggs allows you to remove any bits of shell, start again if a yolk breaks, and have more control when guiding the egg into the pan.
  • Hold the ramekin right at the liquid's surface and gently pour the egg into the liquid. Repeat with remaining eggs, up to four eggs per batch.
  • Takes about 4 minutes per egg make sure to remember the order you put them in the water as i like mine well done and if you take them out to quickly they might still be runny. That said if you do like your eggs runny take it out in 3 minutes instead.
  • Take the eggs out and put on paper towel to absord the water. Set a side.
Slice up some nitrate free ham or a few slices of bacon, and put 1 egg per slice, add some sauce garnish with whatever you want and voila ! Bonne appetit!

This weekend is my oldest daughter Livia's 5th birthday! Wow really? That's nuts my little girl is growing up and you know what? As much as I miss having her be my little baby I love seeing her grow up. She is so creative and loves to do crafts, puzzles and sing and dance. She's my little buddy I tell her every night that she is my best friend. And even though her little sister doesn't appreciate it Livia loves taking care of her and making sure she is ok when she hurts herself or is upset, she loves to play with her and show her new things.

With birthdays comes parties and with parties comes bad food but if you have been reading my blog you know that of course I’ll be making Paleo safe stuff ! Haven’t figure out what but definitely going to research stuff. Stay tuned!

Monday, April 16, 2012


So Friday night I was starving but had something on my mind and it would not go away ... usually I can brush things off and just get over it but I don't know what it was maybe the sunshine, maybe that it was Friday but I wanted beer and nachos. I wanted gluten free beer, called around and nowhere did they have what i was looking for. I had corona a few weeks back and felt ok so I figured it would be ok and had my plate of chicken nachos. Well let me know how that went - FAIL!!! I felt horrible after only half the beer and my plate of nachos; I almost felt hung-over and just not good at all, bloated, and just bleh. That right there my friends made me realise how much that cheat was not worth it and I am not ever doing that again. I always have to learn the hard way though always have been that way always will be I guess!

In other news I tweeted to Robb Wolf the author of the Paleo Solution and he tweeted me back and is following me ! How's that for motivation now I really do have to put 150% into this! Who knows maybe someday I’ll make it into one of his books :P wishful thinking !

Oh and I made Chocolate coconut chew Larabars ... these things are YUM!

Friday, April 13, 2012

friday !

Still can't believe I posted my before and later before pics ... really embarrassing but hey it hold me accountable and makes me work harder so you guys can go ohhh ahhhh ... and not EWWWW my eyes they burn! :P

So today is Friday, FRIDAY!

This is what I do when I don't feel like cooking ... Last night we came back late 8 ish and we hadn't eaten and I defrosted chicken and really didn't want to cook but then I came up with this ... not bad for not feeling like cooking ... I get the same way if I'm sick I just can't sit there I have to clean or do something like laundry anything really. When really I should give myself a break sometimes!

I blended (and no exact measurements) almond flour, cumin, chilli powder, garlic powder in a bowl. In another bowl I put lime juice. I soaked the chicken in the lime juice and then coated it with the almond flour mix. I then put it in the oven for 20 minutes, 10 minutes per side or till done I used a thermometer ( never like to overcook the meat) 165 degrees is the right temp for chicken breast. Then I covered with my homemade salsa (secret recipe, that I made last night to remember I didn't feel like cooking :P) and did a little side salad of onion, avocado and cherry tomatoes dressed it with lime juice and Voila ! Really didn't take much time at all ...

Anyone have some good plans for the weekend ? Talk to me!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

insert some clever subject here _____

I guess I have to add that I have become an exercise junky. Thanks to that motivator I told you about in my first post, he is addicted to the gym and I might not be as addicted as him but pretty close! It's not just about cardio ladies and gents it's about lifting and heavy lifting. It's a huge myth ladies that if you lift heavy you will become hulk. Those women in muscle magazines that really look like a Roger and not a Julie are on some heavy supplements and other not so legal stuff at times. I've been lifting pretty heavy for a few months now and I'm not a huge muscle head with a tree trunk for a neck! So don't be afraid of lifting those weights. You'll see you will love the strength you have and maybe even lift more than some of the men in there! I get pumped seeing myself lift more than some men :) ROAR

more food for your drooling pleasure ... the more colors the better for you ! :)

This is just a grilled chicken breast that I marinated for 30 minutes in lemon juice and some garlic and salt and pepper. I also hollowed a few mushrooms and chopped up the stems and sauteed them in coconut oil with green onions, roasted red peppers seasoned with salt and pepper then I stuff the mushrooms with the veggies and put in a 350 degrees oven until the mushroom part looks cooked. I also made a little quick avocado tomatoe onion and cilantro salad that I dressed with just a bit of lime juice.

enjoy :)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Paleo Solution

So like I said I started the Paleo lifestyle and I know! I know! what you’re going to say “another fad diet” ... It can't be good ... blah blah blah ... save the drama for your mama! I am dreading showing these pictures but at the same time I’m amazed at the difference it has made physically.

I took progress pictures in January and then in March and then I decided to take some on the weekend just to see and I pasted them side by side and from January to March not much difference, HOW DEPRESSING ! And EMBARASSING! But take a look carefully from March (the 25th to be precise) and April (the 9th to be precise) the stomach is going away! Not to mention the insane amounts of energy I have it's almost too much energy, I have a hard time getting to sleep. I use to touch my pillow and be able to fall asleep.

I sound like a preacher to this Paleo way of eating but after buying the book The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolfe at Costco for only 16.99$ and reading 100 pages in one day I am convinced that everyone should do this, oh and I’ve been doing it for almost 4 weeks now  … Have you ever had gas? Had some stomach ache after eating something? Thought to yourself, wow I’m lucky I don’t have digestive troubles? Felt tired all the time? Felt depressed for no apparent reason? Seriously go buy the book? You will get answers to everything and even thinking your fine you’ll see that you weren’t you just thought it was your bodies’ normal way of feeling.   If you’re not fully satisfied I will buy it off you :P pfff in your dreams :P But Costco has an amazing return policy where they take anything back so I’m sure if you go to the customer service and say this Paleo thing is not working they will slap you in the face with the book cause it’s BS but still give you your money back! It's not just for weight loss .. it's for the healing effect too ... I have IBS and had all thesefood restrictions and in 3 weeks i've been able to eat those fruit and veggies that otherwise would make me sick. I'll say it like Robb .. try it for 30 days and just the way you feel will have you convinced !

Here we go !

Panang Curry - Paleo

1 can of Panang curry ( you can buy this at asian markets make sure it's Paleo safe)
1 box -175g of coconut cream
1.5 cups water
4 chicken breasts sliced up
a whole lot of frozen stir fry veggies
fresh cilantro for garnish
coconut oil

In a large skillet or wok heat up 1 tbsp of coconut oil or olive oil. Add the can of panang curry, stir for 2 minutes. Add the coconut cream and water and mix well. when the curry starts to boil add the sliced up chicken and let cook in the liquid. when the chicken is still abit pink add the frozen veggies and let simmer until the veggies are cooked to your preference. Make sure the chicken is cooked but when the veggies are ready so should your chicken. Serve and garnish with chopped cilantro.

Beef Stir Fry - Paleo

Letfover roast beef (pre -cooked) cut up into match stick strips
Zuchinni and Orange Bell pepper cup up in matchstick too
Red hot sauce to taste
a bit of water

heat up Olive or coconut oil about 1 tbsp and add the veggies, stir fry for a few minutes add the beef and red hot sauce to taste and just stir fry till the beef is warm and voila ... sinple and quick and yum

Paleo Apple Cinnamon Muffins - Paleo
3 whole Eggs
1-½ cup Almond Flour
7 ounces, fluid Unsweetened Applesauce
¼ cups honey
Cinnamon LOTS !
1 teaspoon Baking Powder
1 teaspoon Baking Soda
1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract
½ cups Chopped Walnuts (optional) I didn't put any

Blend eggs separately, breaking the yolk. Mix together all the ingredients (including the blended eggs) except for the nuts until smooth. Fold in the nuts.
Spoon batter into 6 to 12 greased or paper-lined muffin cups I filled each 1/3 full, making 12 perfect muffins. Cook 20–25 minutes at 350ºF until the top is golden-brown and a toothpick comes out clean.

Pressure cooker chicken tikka massala - Paleo

1 Cup Coconut Milk
2 Tbsp. Fresh Lemon Juice
1 Tbsp. Minced Fresh Garlic 1 Tbsp. Minced Fresh Ginger
¼ Tsp. Cumin
¼ Tsp. Crushed Coriander
½ Tsp. Kosher Salt
¾  Tsp. Garam Masala (This is the Indian spice that makes this dish what it is.)
¼ Tsp. Cayenne Pepper
6-8 Chicken Breasts

Combine all the ingredients except the chicken.  Mix well.
Take a knife or a fork and poke the heck out of the chicken.  Throw the chicken in with the Coconut milk mixture and coat each piece well.  Put everything into the refrigerator and refrigerate for at least 1-hour or even overnight is fine.

1 Tbsp. Cooking Oil
1 Cup Onion; Chopped
2 ½ Tsp. Garam Masala
2 Tsp. Minced Fresh Garlic
2 Tsp. Minced Fresh Ginger
1 Tsp. Cayenne Pepper
2 Tbsp. Tomato Paste
½ Cup coconut milk

Press START on the pressure cooker to start the Browning cycle.  Add the oil and onions to the main cooking pot and cook until it begins to brown.  Add the spices and the chile and stir to cook until fragrant. 

Stir in the tomato paste.  Add half of the milk and stir

Add the chicken to the sauce and coat well.  Now it’s time for the Pressure Cooker to do its thing.

Shut the lid and turn it counter-clockwise to lock it.  Set the Pressure Valve to “Airtight”.   Program the cooker for 20-minutes.  Press START.

When the cooking cycle is done, the pressure cooker will beep and go to Keep Warm.  Release the pressure by turning the Pressure Valve to “Exhaust”.  Once all the pressure has released, the float valve will drop and allow you to turn and unlock the lid to open.  Stir the contents inside.  You’ll probably notice the sauce is not as thick.
Take out the chicken and set aside.  Press START on the pressure cooker to heat up the unit.  We’re going to cook the sauce some more now to thicken it by adding the rest of the coconut milk.  Stir it occasionally and reduce the mixture.  Make sure to taste as you go by adding salt or more cayenne pepper if you like it spicy.  Bring it to a boil. The sauce should thicken in less than 5-minutes.  Transfer the chicken back in with the mixture and coat thoroughly.  Press CANCEL to turn the  pressure cooker OFF.

Cauliflower "rice"

a small head of cauliflower, chopped coarsely
1 small onion,
2 tablespoons of butter
1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil
salt and pepper

After chopping up the cauliflower…

Throw the pieces of cauliflower and onion into the food processor.

Pulse the contents until they were reduced to the size of couscous or rice grains.

Then sautee the onions and cauliflower in the melted butter and coconut oil over medium heat

I seasoned it with  salt and pepper.  Then, I covered the skillet and cooked the cauliflower for 5-10 minutes until softened.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

in the beginning ...

So this on the left was me in January 2010, depressed and not in shape and just making excuses for not doing anything about it. In October of 2010 I joined the gym and started going everyday determined to make it a routine and haven't looked back. In the past I would start and then just stop and have excuses ... Excuses weren't making me happy. The gym and the results I was getting were

I have an incredible man that supports me and motivates me ... and make me want to push harder every day. He loves me as i am and that's why I only have to worry about doing this for myself and no one else, if I don't do good one day it doesn't matter I just do better the next.

I am now following a Paleo lifestyle after having stomach issues with Gluten this seemed like the best lifestyle for me. I will post pictures I've posted on Facebook of my food and I will specify if it's gluten free or Paleo or whatever it is. Please feel free to ask questions and use my recipes !

I'm just like everyone else, I want to be happy with who I am and feel good about it!