Thursday, April 11, 2013


I got this new tool from a Groupon and at first when I got it it looked sketchy, it had no instructions, the box only had asian writing no english or french I was really not impressed but It looked so cool on the groupon pic !!!

So anyway I decided to give it a shot and seriously I have to say I prefer it over my julienne peeler I raved about in another post. Check out the finished product ...what I love is that you use up the whole zucchini, you are not discarding the core like with the Julienne peeler, the texture is great and for some reason it even feels less watery. My trick is I just sauté them warm but I leave them raw they have a bit of a bite and they are like al dente noodles. I added garlic and coconut oil and it added loads of flavor to them ... who needs noodles!

I then serve my marinara chicken (chicken I just cooked in my pressure cooker with that marinara sauce I talked about in the other post and and some spices of choice) right on top YUM !

I heard that Ma Cuisine on the byward market in Ottawa has a spiral mandoline, not sure how much it is ... but probably less sketch then this tool I got off groupon for 12$!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

secrets... short cuts

Thought I would share a sauce I use a lot for short cuts ... it's all natural, no sugar and it's delicious and the best is they sell em by the 2 pack at Costco here in Ottawa. I make chicken with it, chili, "not pasta"sauce. So there you have it folks one of my secrets :P

Life is always hectic and i hear day in and day out how people say they can't follow Paleo coz of whatever excuse you want to insert here ... but really if you really really want to feel better you will have no excuse to find the way to make it happen. Over the year i've found countless ways to make things easier. I boil a dozen eggs when I have a few minutes, I cook up a bunch of chicken in the pressure cooker or on the george foreman grill in lots of different spices just to make things interesting and have it on hand anytime I need to eat. I buy a big bag of peppers and chop them up in 10 minutes ... it only takes 10 minutes to prep things one item at a time ... I also hear a lot well I am always out ... So am I but buy a big lunch bag and ice pack and use it ... you should see what my movie snacks look like, yup chicken and veggies ... and really if they bug me for bringing it in i'll just tell them that if they can offer that to me on the menu then i'll gladly buy it for quadruple the price. Hasn't happened though. I don't think i'm better then anyone but everybody thinks I have all the time in the world ... I have 2 daughters 3, 6 and an 9 year old step son ... I work a 7.5 hour a day job, I workout in my free time and then the time that is left I prep and cook food. I make it happen. because I want to make it happen.

Things that are found on my grocery list every week.

from Costco

  • French green beans, these come pre cut and all you have to do is steam em I even eat them raw
  • A slab of 30 eggs. A lot of them get boiled for a quick protein fix, the rest are used for whatever. 
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • English cucumber (pack of 3) 
  • Pack of 6 bell peppers (red, orange, yellow) Which I slice when I have free time and store in a big ziplock for raw snack or stir fries 
  • Big box of frozen chicken 4kg  (I know it's not organic but I can't afford the organic so it's where I compromise for now till I find a good connection) 
  • egg whites ( for shakes, and for morning omelettes) 
  • Superantioxident frozen fruit mix ( this is delicious, cherry's blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, pomegranate.)
  • mix greens
  • sliced mushrooms
  • baby spinach
  • apples
  • mixed nuts (not every week but every 3 weeks maybe) 
These are pretty much our staples for the week. and they help make meals easier to prep. 

Then we get other stuff at the grocery store to compliment, and my freezer is jammed packed with grass fed beef we bought from a local farm. but I'm off beef due to my strict meal plan. I crave it sooooo much ... 

so there you have it ... 


Wednesday, April 3, 2013

1 year anniversary !

Just a little update ... It was my 1 year Paleo anniversary. Yup been following this lifestyle for 1 year now, 3 months alcohol and dairy free. Things are going great wanted to share a progress photo you can see some muscles coming out and i'm pretty proud of that ... it's been a long and hard working year but when i see these pics it motivates me to keep on going. 

I got me some supps to help the process, Magnum Greens (this stuff I can already feel working it's magic), Glutamine, and BCAAs ... also taking multis, vitamin c, fish oil and EGG protein. 

Received my competition shoes, I have a posing seminar coming up, this should be interesting! haha meaning that I might fall flat on my face!