Sunday, August 4, 2013

It's go time !

Wow It's go time !!! 3 months I'm feeling quite anxious and I was even depressed over the weekend because I find my progress pics all look the same ... I got lots of compliments last week from people saying I looked smaller so I guess they can't ALL be lying .. It's really hard to see the changes for me. it's good to get other people talking once in a while so I know i'm still going in the right direction.

The bbq has to be my favourite tool other then the pressure cooker. The bbq can make anything taste good. We recently upgraded ours and I could not be any happier it's like getting a new car except it cooks food! One of the reasons I decided to become a Epicure independent consultant was because I was buying so many spices that it just made sense for me to sale them so I could get a bit of commission on my own purchases. I am panicking though right now because it's tight financially right now for me with all the supps and coaching and my suit for the show and weddings and etc... and I'm running out of all my favourite spices !!! I honestly use all the spices on my meats .. i mix and match I come up with these awesome combos and now i'm going to have to calm the f down as i'm low or out of all but a few of my spices !! they are so yummy and the new catalogue is coming out soon too so I want to wait for that ... damn this epicure stuff is what is making my diet not deathly boring ... I can actually go on an international trip with my 6 meals a day ... So yeah i'm freaking out !

These are my favourites

1 comment:

  1. Max, I'd like to place an Epicure order for one of each of the items you listed. Thanks.
