I still have been cooking just didn't have time to post all my recipes ... but took pics anyway so I have lots of dishes to show you !
Week 3 of the organic veggie basket was fresh garlic, zuchinni, swiss chard, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, and lettuce :
I was stuck in traffic wondering what to make for diner (I often do this) and it came to me. chicken crusted in coconut, lime zest, cilantro with a green curry coconut sauce!
Coconut lime crusted chicken with green curry sauce
4 chicken breasts
1 cup of unsweetned shredded coconut
zest of 1 lime
2 tbsp green curry paste
1/4 cup of lime juice
1 can of coconut milk ( the creamy part)
Preheat the oven at 375 degrees. Mix coconut, lime zest and a bit of chopped cilantro in a flat bowl. In an other flat bowl put some lime juice. dip the chicken in the lime juice then coat with the coconut mixture and put on a greased cookie sheet and repeat with the 3 other chicken breasts. Bake for 14 minutes turning over after 7 min. (or until cooked, depends on the thickness of your chicken). While it's baking make the sauce. In a skillet heat the curry paste, once it becomes fragrant add the cocnut cream part of the can .. it's ok if you get a bit of the water just want the sauce to be thick without using thickening agents. Add some more chopped up cilnatro to the sauce. Remove chicken from the oven and pour a bit of sauce over top and serve !
Roasted vegetable soup
1 tbsp olive oil
4 baby beets
4 carrots peeled and chopped into big chunks
1 onion
garlic scapes
4 cups of water
2 tbsp tomatoe paste
salt and pepper
3 bay leafs
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. making sure all veggies are cup up in similar sizes coat them in oil and salt and pepper and roast till the carrots and beets are soft about 45 minutes making sure to turn them over. Put all the veggies in a big soup pot and add water, salt and pepper to taste and bay leaves, chopped basil and tomatoe paste. Boil for a bit then remove from heat and put in a blender. Blend till smooth and serve !
Mexican chicken salad
1 pkg of ground chicken
1 tbsp of olive oil
1 fresh garlic clove
1 onion chopped
chilli powder, cumin
Mix of arugula and mizuna greens
1 bunch spring green onions
roasted red peppers
greek yogurt for the dressing.
1 avocado
Heat the oil in a large skillet. add garlic and onion, cook until fragrant and add the ground chicken and spices (spice to your liking). Meanwhile seperate the greens into two bowls, chop up the avocado, red peppers and green onions and split up between the bowls, add the meat to the bowls with a spoonful of greek yogurt. serve.
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