Tuesday, May 8, 2012


I really have a problem where I don't drink water. I only drink water at the gym. I can feel my body needing the water it's hard to explain but I feel like I'm get tingly and all around don't feel good except that's not even enough to get me drinking water. And it's not cause i don't like water i just don't drink anything at all, I have my morning coffee and then I can almost go all day (except for the gym) without drinking anything. It's become a problem in the past few days I really don't feel well, my hands feel swollen, I have headaches, my mouth is dry, I'm a bit light headed, my stomach isn't right. Wow all the signs are there. I bet you if they hooked me to an IV they could get like 20 bags in me and I would still be dehydrated. I don't know what's up with me .. if that wasn't enough, all those signs can easily be resolved by just drinking water all day. I still can't do it. I have a huge blender bottle filled with ice and water and lemons and then i brought 3 water bottles and I will force myself to drink them and that lasts maybe 2 days then I go back to my old ways. It's like I have a bad habit and that bad habit is I'm boycotting drinking liquids except for coffee. What the hell is my problem. I almost want to go to the doctor and ask if there is a condition called anti liquid syndrome ... what the hell ??? !!!! :( I know all the benefits of water. I just need to inject myself with it !

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